5 Tips for Choosing your Jewelry for the Wedding in Dubai

Updated on Thursday 25th August 2016

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5 Tips for Choosing your Jewelry for the Wedding in Dubai Image
When we are talking about a special like the  wedding day, the bride are on the main screen. It is definitely your day and everyone will look at you, from the bottom to the top. And for this reason, you need to look perfect and you should know that your dress must match with the hair and the accessories. When the day comes to select jewelry for your wedding in Dubai, you should take in to consideration some precise rules, in order to choose the proper pieces.

Our wedding planners in Dubai can offer suitable guidance and information when you need to choose the jewelry for your wedding in the city.

1. Choose the jewelry that you like

Instead of showing up to your wedding full of diamonds, you can choose jewelry combinations that you are relaxed with. Unlike your dress, you can wear your bridal jewelry more than once, so it is recommended to pick the type of jewelry you could wear on some other exclusive events.


2. Don’t forget: less is more

The wedding event planner in Dubai recommends you not to wear a tiara, a veil, a necklace, some earrings and a belt, all in the same time at your wedding. We know that accessories can complement a distinctive touch to your bridal look, but even one too many can be exaggerated with an already overstated wedding dress

Before you begin ordering your jewelry for the wedding in Dubai, take an inventory of your dress' stand-out articles and then base your selection around them.

3. You can rent the jewelries

As a recommendation from our wedding planner in Dubai, you can visit a jewelry rental store and appreciate the Cinderella sentiment of wearing remarkably beautiful jewels just for the big event. You should be careful with these rented jewelries though, in order not to lose or damage them.

4. Match the jewelry with your wedding dress

Your jewelry needs to express your style and personality, but it should also match the dress. For instance, you should not combine a deeply ornamented wedding dress with a necklace, because it will look quite too much. You can wear a bracelet with a short-sleeved wedding dress, and a halter neck should match with the hair pieces, as our wedding event planner recommends.

5. Wear something old for good luck

If you want something vintage or you’d just like to wear something with a little feeling, the proper place to search is your family’s jewelry cases. And besides that, the tradition says that an old piece of jewelry will bring good luck on your marriage. 

You can contact our wedding event planners in Dubai if you need extra information about how to choose your jewelry for your big ceremony or if you need wedding planning services in Dubai.